Weitere Berichte
KORA Berichte
Stiftung KORA. 2024. Jahresbericht / Rapport annuel 2023. 22 pp.
Stiftung KORA. 2023. Jahresbericht 2022. 24 pp.
Stiftung KORA. 2022. Jahresbericht 2021. 24 pp.
Stiftung KORA. 2021. Jahresbericht 2020. 24 pp.
Stiftung KORA. 2020. Jahresbericht 2019. 24 pp.
Stiftung KORA. 2019. Jahresbericht 2018. 24 pp.
Stiftung KORA. 2018. Jahresbericht 2017. 24 pp.
Weber J.-M. 2008. Suivi des loutres de l’Aar. KORA Bericht Nr. 44f, 27 pp.
Landry J.-M. 1999. L’utilisation du chien de protection dans les Alpes suisse: Une première analyse. KORA Bericht Nr. 2, 33 pp.
Landry J.-M. 1999. Der Einsatz von Herdenschutzhunden in den Schweizer Alpen: erste Erfahrungen. KORA Bericht Nr. 2d, 28 pp.
Landry J.-M. 1999. The use of guard dogs in the Swiss Alps: A first analysis. KORA Bericht Nr. 2e, 28 pp.
Strahm D. 1998. Workshop on Human Dimension in Large Carnivore Conservation. KORA Bericht Nr. 3, 56 pp.
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Hinojo A., Christe P., Moreno I., Hofmeister R. J., Dandliker G. & Zimmermann F. 2022. Estimating roe deer density using motion-sensitive cameras in Switzerland. The Journal of Wildlife Management 86, e22307.
Salvatori M., Tenan S., Oberosler V., Augugliaro C., Christe P., Groff C., Krofel M., Zimmermann F. & Rovero F. 2021. Co-occurrence of snow leopard, wolf and Siberian ibex under livestock encroachment into protected areas across the Mongolian Altai. Biological Conservation 261, 109294.
Wevers J., Beenaerts N., Casaer J., Zimmermann F., Artois T. & Fattebert J. 2021. Modelling species distribution from camera trap by-catch using a scale-optimized occupancy approach. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 7, 534-549.
Augugliaro C., Christe P., Janchivlamdan C., Baymanday H., & Zimmermann F. 2020. Patterns of human interaction with snow leopard and co-predators in the Mongolian western Altai: Current issues and perspectives. Global Ecology and Conservation 24, e01378. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01378
Havmøller R.W., Jacobsen N.S., Scharff N., Rovero F. & Zimmermann F. 2020. Assessing the activity pattern overlap among leopards (Panthera pardus), potential prey and competitors in a complex landscape in Tanzania. Journal of Zoology 311(3), 175-182.
Pisano S. R. R., Zimmermann F., Rossi L., Capt S., Akdesir E., Bürki R., Kunz F., Origgi F. C. & Ryser-Degiorgis M.-P. 2019. Spatiotemporal spread of sarcoptic mange in the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Switzerland over more than 60 years: lessons learnt from comparative analysis of multiple surveillance tools. Parasites & Vectors 12, 521.
Rovero F., Augugliaro C., Havmoller R. W., Groff C., Zimmermann F., Oberosler V. & Tenan S. 2018. Co-occurrence of snow leopard Panthera uncia, Siberian ibex Capra sibirica and livestock: potential relationships and effects. Oryx 54, 118-124.
Jacobson A. P., Gerngross P., Lemeris Jr. J. R., Schoonover R. F., Anco C., Breitenmoser-Würsten C., Durant S. M., Farhadinia M. S., Henschel P., Kamler J. F., Laguardia A., Rostro-García S., Stein A. B. & Dollar L. 2016. Leopard (Panthera pardus) status, distribution, and the research efforts across its range. Peerj, 4: e1974.
Rovero F. & Zimmermann F. (Eds). 2016. Camera trapping for Wildlife Research. Pelagic Publishing, Exeter, UK. 293 pp.
Wilting A., Duckworth J. W., Breitenmoser-Würsten Ch. and Mathai J. (Eds). 2016. Distribution and conservation priorities for Bornean small carnivores and cats. The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, Supplement No. 33, 217 pp.
Durant S. M., Becker M. S., Creel S., Bashir S., Dickman A. J., Beudels-Jamar R. C., Lichtenfeld L., Hilborn R., Wall J., Wittemyer G., Badamjav L., Blake S., Boitani L., Breitenmoser C., Broekhuis F., Christianson D., Cozzi G., Davenport T. R. B., Deutsch J., Devillers P., Dollar L., Dolrenry S., Douglas-Hamilton I., Dröge E., FitzHerbert E., Foley C., Hazzah L., Hopcraft J. G. C., Ikanda D., Jacobson A., Joubert D., Kelly M. J., Milanzi J., Mitchell N., M’Soka J., Msuha M., Mweetwa T., Nyahongo J., Rosenblatt E., Schuette P., Sillero-Zubiri C., Sinclair A. R. E., Stanley Price M. R., Zimmermann A., Pettorelli N. 2015. Developing fencing policies for dryland ecosystems. Journal of Applied Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12415
Rovero F., Zimermann F., Berzi D. & Meek P. 2013. „Which camera trap type and how many do I need?“ A review of camera features and study designs for a range of wildlife research applications. Hystrix 1-9.
Breitenmoser U., Breitenmoser-Würsten Ch. & Boitani L. 2012. Assessing conservation status and units for conservation. Pages 362-378 in: L. Boitani and R. A. Powell (eds.) Carnivore ecology and conservation. A handbook of techniques. Techniques in Ecology and Conservation Series, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Durant S. M., Pettorelli N., Bashir S., Woodroffe R., Wacher T., De Ornellas P., Ransom C., Abáigar T., Abdelgadir M., El Alqamy H., Beddiaf M., Belbachir F., Belbachir-Bazi A., Berbash A. A., Beudels-Jamar R., Boitani L., Breitenmoser C., Cano M., Chardonnet P., Collen B., Cornforth W. A., Cuzin F., Gerngross P., Haddane B., Hadjeloum M., Jacobson A., Jebali A., Lamarque F., Mallon D., Minkowski K., Monfort S., Ndoassal B., Newby J., Ngakoutou B. E.,B. Niagate, Purchase G., Samaïla S., Samna A. K., Sillero-Zubiri C., Soultan A. E., Stanley Price M. R. & Baillie J. E. M. 2012. Forgotten Biodiversity in Desert Ecosystems. Science 336, 1379.
Ferraz K. M., Frosini S., de Paula R. C., Beisiegel B. & Breitenmoser C. 2012. Species distribution modeling for conservation purposes. Natureza & Concervação 10(2), 214-220.
Hebblewhite M., Zimmermann F., Li, Z., Miquelle D.G., Zhang M., Sun H., Mörschel F., Wu Z., Sheng L., Purekhovsky A. & Chunquan, Z. 2012. Is there a future for Amur tigers in a re-stored tiger conservation landscape in Northeast China? Animal Conservation 15(6), 579-592.
Hunter L.T.B., White P., Henschel P., Frank L., Burton C., Loveridge A., Balme G., Breitenmoser C. & Breitenmoser U. 2012. Walking with lions: why there is no role for captive-origin lions Panthera leo in species restoration. Oryx 47(1), 19-24.
Mavrot F., Zimmermann F., Vilei E.M., Ryser-Degiorgis, M.P. 2012. Is the development of infectious keratoconjunctivitis in Alpine ibex and Alpine chamois influenced by topographic features? European Journal of Wildlife Research 58, 869-874.
Weber J. M. 2011. Food habits of escaped Eurasian otters (Lutra lutra) in a suburban environment in Switzerland. Revue suisse de zoologie 118, 485-489.
Do Linh San M., Ferrari N. & Weber J.‐M. 2010. Circadian activity patterns and nocturnal resting sites of Eurasian badgers (Meles meles L.) in a rural area of western Switzerland. Rev. suisse Zool. 117, 111‐119.
Wilting A., Cord A., Hearn A. J., Hesse D., Mohamed A., Traeholdt C., Cheyne S. M., Sunarto S., Jayasilan M.-A., Ross J., Shapiro A. C., Sebastian A., Dech S., Breitenmoser-Würsten Ch., Sanderson J., Duckworth J. W., & Hofer H. 2010. Modelling the Species Distribution of Flat-Headed Cats (Prionailurus planiceps), an Endangered South-East Asian Small Felid. PLOS ONE 5 (3), 1-18.
Marker L. L., Pearks Wilkerson A. J., Sarno R. J., Martenson J., Breitenmoser-Würsten Ch., O’Brien S. J., & Johnson W. E. 2008. Molecular genetics insights on cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) ecology and conservationn in Namibia. Journal of Heredity 99, 2-13.
Linnell J. D. C., Promberger C., Boitani L., Swenson E. L., Breitenmoser U., & Andersen R. 2005. The Linkage between Conservation Strategies for Large Carnivores and Biodiversity: The View from the „Half-Full“ Forests of Europe. In Carnivorous animals and biodiversity: does conserving one save the other?, 381-399. Ray C., Redford K. H., Steneck R. S. & Berger J. (Ed.). Washington: Island Press.
Ryser A. Scholl M., Zwahlen M., Oetliker M., Ryser-Degiorgis M.-P., & Breitenmoser U. 2005. A remote-controlled teleinjection system for the low-stress capture of large mammals. Wildl. soc. bull. 33, 721-730.
Bugnon P., Breitenmoser U., Peterhans E., & Zanoni R. 2004. Efficacy of Oral Vaccination in the Final Stage of Fox Rabies Elimination in Switzerland. J. Vet. Med. B 51, 433-437.
Hegglin D., Bontadina F., Gloor S., Romer J., Müller U., Breitenmoser U., & Deplazes P. 2004. Baiting red fox in an urban area: a camera trap study. J. Wildl. Manage 68, 1010-1017.
Molinari-Jobin A., Molinari P., Loison A., Gaillard J. M. & Breitenmoser U. 2004. Life cycle period and acivity of prey influence their susceptibility to predators. Ecography 27, 323-329.
Thulke H.-H., Selhorst Th., Müller T., Wyszomirski T., Müller U. & Breitenmoser U. 2004. Assessing anti-rabies baiting-what happens on the ground? Biomed Central 4, 1-9.
Weber J.-M., Fresard D., Capt S., & Noël C. 2004. First records of raccoon dog, Nyctereutes procyonoides (Gray, 1834), in Wandeler P., Funk S. M., Largiadèr C. R., Gloor S., & Breitenmoser U. 2003. Effects of urban colonization and rabies on the genetic structure of Swiss red fox populations. Molecular Ecology 12.
Wandeler P., Funk S. M., Largiadèr C. R., Gloor S., & Breitenmoser U. 2003. The City-fox phenomenon: genetic consequences of a recent colonization of urban habitat. Molecular Biology 12, 647-656.Switzerland. Revue suisse Zool. 111, 935-940.
Ryser A. & Zanoli M. 2002. Steinadler Aquila chrysaetos schlägt Auerhahn Tetrao urogallus. Orn. Beob. 99: 229-230.
Weber J.-M., Aubry S., Ferrari N., Fischer C., Sachat Feller N., Meia J.-S., & Meyer S. 2002. Population changes of different predators during a water vole cycle in a central European mountainous habitat. Ecography 25, 95-101.
Breitenmoser U. & Breitenmoser-Würsten Ch. 2001. Die ökologischen und anthropogenen Voraussetzungen für die Existenz grosser Beutegreifer in der Kulturlandschaft. For. Snow Landsc. Res. 76, 23-39.
Breitenmoser U., Breitenmoser-Würsten, Ch., Carbyn L. N. & Funk, S. M. 2001. Assessment of carnivore reintroduction. In Carnivore Conservation – Conservation Biology 5, 241-281. Gittleman J. L., Funk S. M., Macdonald D. & Wayne R. K. (Ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Angst C., Landry J.-M., Linnell J. & Breitenmoser U. 2000. Carnivore Damage Prevention News. Carnivore Damage Prevention News 1-12.
Breitenmoser U. & Blankenhorn H.-J. 2000. The Situation of Large Carnivores in Switzerland.
Breitenmoser U., Müller U., Kappeler A. & Zanoni R. G. 2000. Die Endphase der Tollwut in der Schweiz. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilk. 142, 447-454.
Müller U., Laass J., Bühler S., Brun H., Hegglin D., Zwahlen M. & Breitenmoser U. 2000. Use of camera-traps for population estimation in carnivores. Workshop Wildlife Monitoring – Recent Developments in Techniques and Applications. Birmensdorf, Switzerland, WSL. 3-2-2000.
Müller U., Kappeler A., Zanoni R. G. & Breitenmoser U. 2000. Der Verlauf der Tollwut in der Schweiz – Landschaft prägt die Ausbreitung einer Wildtierepidemie. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilk. 142, 431-438.
Zanoni R. G., Kappeler A., Müller U. M., Müller Ch., Wandeler, A. I. & Breitenmoser U. 2000. Tollwutfreiheit nach 30 Jahren Fuchstollwut. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilk. 142, 423-429.
Breitenmoser U., Müller U., & Zanoni R. 1999. Rabies Surveillance in Switzerland and in the Principality of Liechtenstein 01 January 1997 – 28 February 1999. RBE 23, 9-12.
Weber J.-M., Meia J.-S., & Meyer S. 1999. Breeding success of the red fox Vulpes vulpes in relation to fluctuating prey in central Europe. Wildlife Biology 5, 241-244.
Breitenmoser U. 1998. Haben Grossraubtiere in den Alpen eine Zukunft? In 1. Alpenreport: 58-62.Bern/Stuttgart/Wien: Internationale Alpenschutz-Komission CIPRA.
Breitenmoser U., Breitenmoser-Würsten Ch., Carbyn L. N. & Funk S. M. 1998. Reintroductions. 9.
Meyer A. & Breitenmoser U. 1998. Welche Diagnose stellen Sie? Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilk. 140, 161-163.
Müller U. & Breitenmoser U. 1998. Der Einfluss geographischer Faktoren auf die Ausbreitung der Tollwut und Ansätze für eine retrospektive Arbeit. 119-123. Wusterhausen / Dosse, Verlag der Deutschen Veterinärmedizinischen Gesellschaft. Informationsgewinnung und -verarbeitung. 2-9-1998.
Stanley Price, M. R., Singh Soorae, P. & Fairclough Falcon A. 1998. General aims and principles of re-introductions. In The re-introduction of the lynx into the Alps, 11-20. Breitenmoser-Würsten Ch., Rohner C. & Breitenmoser U. (Ed.). Strasbourg: Council of Europe.
Suter W., Edwards P. J., Abivardi C., Simberloff D., Sotherton N. W., Ward, J. V., Breitenmoser U., Kienast F., Wildi O., & Brzeziecki B. 1998. Biological Conservation – Special Issue (Conservation Biology and Biodiversity Strategies). Biol. Conserv. 83, 235-305.
Swenson J. E. 1998. Coordination of large-carnivore monitoring, mangement, and research in Scandinavia. In The re-introduction of the lynx into the Alps, 85-88. Breitenmoser-Würsten, Ch., Rohner, C. & Breitenmoser, U. (Ed.). Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing.
Weissen A., Batliner H., Chappaz M., Schneider V., & Breitenmoser U. 1998. 1. Alpenreport – Daten, Fakten, Probleme, Lösungsansätze. 1, 1-473. Bern, CIPRA International, Verlag Paul Haupt.
Breitenmoser U. & Müller U. 1997. How to do the wrong thing with the highest possible precision – a reflection on the use of GPS in rabies vaccination campaigns. RBE 21, 11-13.
Gloor S., Breitenmoser U., Bontadina F., Hegglin D. & Hotz T. 1997. Ecological aspects of a growing fox population in urban environment in Switzerland.
Goldberg C., Herrenschmidt V., Lhonoré J. Guilbot R., Hereida B., Morillo, C., Serrada J., Robbins J., Mitchell R., Fleming L. V., Giminez Dixon M., Humphrey L., Rose L., Urquhart W. P., Breitenmoser U., Korsos Z., Corbett K., Lescure J., Sides E. & Sneep J.-W. 1997. Workshop on Drafting and Implementing Action Plans for Threatened Species. 1-144. Navarre, Spain, Council of Europe. Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern Convention).
Vuillaume P., Aubert M. F. A., Demerson J. M., Cliquet F., Barrat J., & Breitenmoser U. 1997. Vaccination des renards contre la rage par dépôt d’appats vaccinaux à l’entreée des terriers. Ann. Méd. Vét. 141, 55-62.
Breitenmoser U., Kappeler A., Müller U., & Zanoni R. 1996. Tollwut und ihre Bekämpfung in der Schweiz. Wildbiologie in der Schweiz 6(26), 1-14. Zürich, Infodienst Wildbiologie & Oekologie. Wildbiologie. Falk, B.
Breitenmoser U. & Breitenmoser-Würsten Ch. 1996. Monitoring: Definitions, Aims and Pretensions. Bearded Vulture – Reintroduction into the Alps, 42-45.
Breitenmoser U. & Zanoni R. 1996. Tollwutsituation in der Schweiz – Stand nach dem ersten Quartal 1996. Bulletin des Bundesamtes für Gesundheitswesen, 4-5.
Breitenmoser U. & Zanoni R. 1995. An adapted concept for the elimination of sylvatic rabies in Switzerland. RBE 19, 13-16.
Breitenmoser U. & Kaphegyi T. A. M. 1995. Neue Anstrengungen bei der Tollwutbekämpfung. Feld Wald Wasser, 10-12.
Breitenmoser U. & Kaphegyi T. A. M. 1995. Rabies persistence and fox population dynamics in Switzerland. VPH/95.143, 17-18. Geneva, WHO. WHO meeting on cooperation on oral immunization of foxes against Rabies in 1995 (Central and Eastern Europe) – Budapest, Hungary, 31 March to 1 April 1995.
Breitenmoser U. & Zanoni R. 1995. Aktueller Stand der Tollwut in der Schweiz. CH-Wild-Info 4, 1-3.
Breitenmoser U., Kaphegyi T. A. M., Kappeler A., & Zanoni R. 1995. Significance of young foxes for the persistence of rabies in northwestern Switzerland. Schwyzer M., Ackermann M., Bertoni G., Kocherhans R., McDullogh K., Engels M., Wittek R., and Zanoni R. 391-396. Zurich. Immunobiology of viral infections. Proc. 3rd congress Europ. soc. vet. virol.
Kaphegyi T. A. M. & Breitenmoser U. Projekt Jungfuchs und Tollwut im Kanton Solothurn. 1995. Wildbiologie in der Schweiz 6 (24), 1-12. Zürich, Infodienst Wildbiologie & Oekologie. Wildbiologie. Falk, B.
Meia J.-S. & Weber J.-M. 1995. Home ranges and movements of red foxes in central Europe: stability despite environmental changes. Can. J. Zool. 73, 1960-1966.
Zanoni R. & Breitenmoser U. 1995. Wieso braucht es eine intensivierte Tollwutbekämpfung? Feld Wald Wasser, 7-8.
Breitenmoser-Würsten Ch., Monneret R.-J., Delmas M., Martinot J.-P. & Couloumy C. 1994. Oiseaux de montagne – Actes du 32e Colloque interrégional d’ornithologie. Grenoble: CORA.
Zanoni R. G., Breitenmoser U., & Peterhans E. 1994. Tollwut: Ein Schrecken ohne Ende? Die Grüne – Schweizerische landwirtschaftliche Zeitschrift, 24-26.
Breitenmoser U., Breitenmoser-Würsten Ch., Zuleta G. A., Bernhart F. & O’Donoghue M. 1993. A method to estimate travel distances of fast moving animals. Biotelemetry, 318-326.
Meia J.-S. & Weber J.-M. 1993. Choice of resting sites by female foxes Vulpes vulpes in a mountainous habitat. Acta theriol. 38, 81-91.
Weber J.-M. & Aubry S. 1993. Predation by foxes, Vulpes vulpes, on the fossorial form of the water vole, Arvicola terrestris scherman, in western Switzerland. J. Zool. ,Lond. 229, 553-559.
Meia J.-S. & Weber J.-M. 1992. Characteristics and distribution of breeding dens of the Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in a mountainous habitat. Z. Saeugetierk. 57, 137-143.
Weber J.-M. & Meia J.-S. 1992. The use of expandable radio collars for radio-tracking fox cubs. In Wildlife Telemetry. Remote monitoring and tracking of animals, 698-700. Priede, I. G. & Swift, S. M. (Ed.). New York: Ellis Horwood.
Weber D., Weber J.-M., & Müller H.-U. 1991. Fischotter (Lutra lutra) im Schwarzwassser-Sense-Gebiet: Dokumentation eines gescheiterten Wiedereinbürgerungsversuchs. Mitt. Naturf. Gesel. Bern 48, 141-152.
Weber J.-M., Aubry S., Lachat N., Meia J.-S., Mermod C., & Paratte A. 1991. Fluctuations and behaviour of foxes determined by nightlighting. Preliminary results. Acta theriol. 36, 285-291.
Weber J.-M. 1990. Seasonal exploitation of amphibians by otters (Lutra lutra) in north-east Scottland. J. Zool. ,Lond. 220, 641-651.
Klingler K. & Breitenmoser U. 1983. Die Identifizierung von Raubtierrissen. Schweiz. Arch. Tierheilk. 125, 359-370.
Steck F., Wandeler A. I., Bichsel P., Capt S., Häfliger U., & Schneider L. 1982. Oral immunization of foxes against rabies. Laboratory and field studies. Comp. Immun. Microbiol. infect. Dis. 5, 165-171.
Capt S., Fuhrer W., & Lüps P. 1980. Zur Grössen- und Lagevariation des P1 beim Rotfuchs Vulpes vulpes. Kleine Mitteilungen Naturhistorisches Museum Bern, 1-5.
Thesis und Facharbeiten
Gnädinger M. 2013. Change in occupancy among ungulates during two camera trap surveys in the northern Swiss Jura Mountains. Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenscahften, 11 pp.
D’Anna N. 2010. Badger Meles meles population in lynx Lynx lynx mountain habitat: A photographic study based on secondary pictures in the Swiss Bernese Oberland. Maturaarbeit Fach Biologie Gymnasium Muristalden Bern, 29 pp.
Camera Trapping for Wildlife Research
From Francesco Rovero and Fridolin Zimmermann
Pelagic Publishing
320 pages
Format: 244 x 170 mm
Price: £34.99
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-78427-048-3
Hardback ISBN: 978-1-78427-063-6
This book provides a much-needed guide to the sound use of camera trapping for the most common ecological applications to wildlife research. Each phase involved in the use of camera trapping is covered:
- Selecting the right camera type
- Set-up and field deployment of your camera trap
- Defining the sampling design: presence/absence, species inventory, abundance; occupancy; capture mark-recapture; behavioural studies; community-level analysiy
- Data storage, management and analysis, illustrative examples for using R and Excel
- Using camera trapping for monitoring, conservation and public engagement.
Each chapter in this edited volume is essential reading for students, scientists, ecologists, educators and professionals involved in wildlife research or management.
Camera Trapping for Wildlife Research
From Francesco Rovero and Fridolin Zimmermann
Pelagic Publishing
320 pages
Format: 244 x 170 mm
Price: £34.99
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-78427-048-3
Hardback ISBN: 978-1-78427-063-6
This book provides a much-needed guide to the sound use of camera trapping for the most common ecological applications to wildlife research. Each phase involved in the use of camera trapping is covered:
- Selecting the right camera type
- Set-up and field deployment of your camera trap
- Defining the sampling design: presence/absence, species inventory, abundance; occupancy; capture mark-recapture; behavioural studies; community-level analysiy
- Data storage, management and analysis, illustrative examples for using R and Excel
- Using camera trapping for monitoring, conservation and public engagement.
Each chapter in this edited volume is essential reading for students, scientists, ecologists, educators and professionals involved in wildlife research or management.
Stiftung KORA. September 2023. Stellungnahme Anpassung Jagdverordnung.