KORA is an in-state foundation based in Ittigen. The foundation board consists exclusively of representatives of public institutions or organisations with in-state status, mainly from the cantons.
KORA collaborates with a variety of institutions within and outside of Switzerland, e.g. with universities, technical colleges, government institutions and non-profit organisations. The most important part of KORA’s mandate focuses on its contract with the Federal Office for the Environment FOEN. According to the federal law, the FOEN is responsible for the protected carnivores in Switzerland. KORA also maintains close cooperation with the hunting authorities and game wardens in each canton. Additionally, KORA collaborates with the Office for the Environment of the Principality of Liechtenstein and with various companies. Foundations focussing on conservation and science support KORA for different national and international projects.

Switzerland contains a variety of habitats that support the protected large carnivores. KORA is tasked by the Federation and the cantons to monitor them, as here in the wintery Jura mountains.
© Fridolin Zimmermann
Aim and Mission statement of the Foundation
The aim of the Foundation KORA is the conservation of wild animals, namely the carnivores (Carnivora) in the cultural landscape. The mission statement outlines the principles according to which the non-profit Foundation KORA performs its tasks. The base for this statement is the deed of foundation of 11 May 2017.
Guiding principles
Ecology – Cultural landscape – Coexistence
Predators and prey play a central role in the overall balance of life. To study and understand such relationship and to contribute to the preservation of natural dynamics is the primary objective of the Foundation KORA. Special attention is given to the integration of large carnivore populations into the modern cultural landscape. Our particular interest focusses on ecological aspects and the coexistence with humans.
Our basic values
Scientific – Objective – Transparent
We work based on facts and scientific criteria. Our hypotheses, methods and results are always documented, transparent and comprehensible. We act neutrally towards contracting authorities, interest groups and political institutions. Our work is committed to objectivity.
Our tasks
Monitoring – Processing information – Consulting
We generate long-term comprehensive data sets and knowledge bases. Our tasks embrace in particular:
- The monitoring of predator populations, in particular large carnivores, and research on the consequences of their recovery in the modern cultural landscape
- The provision of information to the authorities and the public
- Advising the authorities with regard to the implementation of national legislation
- Participation in national and international working groups
Our factors of success
Expertise – Innovation – Reliability
The success of KORA is based on its professional competence and innovative strength. Reliability in both, professional exchange and human interactions, as well as open and fair communication principles guarantee the discussion and networking with partners from science and practice.
Muri b. Bern, June 2020
The foundation board strategically guides the foundation. It creates the statutes and the regulations of the institution, nominates and supervises the directorate, elects new members of the foundation and the statutory auditors, confirms the annual budget and approves the annual financial accounts.
The foundation board consists of representatives specialised on hunting/wild animal management, nature and species conservation, forest, animal protection and public education. The board members represent public institutions or organisations with in-state status:
- Dr. Ruedi Haller, Direktor Schweizerischer Nationalpark, Zernez
- Dr. Friederike von Houwald, Tierpark Bern, Direktorin
- Christophe Noël, Service de la faune, des forêts et de la nature, chef de service, Neuchâtel
- Niklaus Blatter, Amt für Landwirtschaft und Natur LANAT, Jagdinspektorat, Kanton Bern, Jagdinspektor
- Dr. Urs Känzig, Amt für Landwirtschaft und Natur LANAT, Naturförderung, Kanton Bern, Abteilungsleiter
- Dominique Schaller, Amt für Wald und Natur WNA, Etat de Fribourg, Chef de service
- Dr. Peter Ulmann, Abteilung Natur, Jagd und Fischerei iawa, Kanton Luzern, Abteilungsleiter
- Roland Christen, Amt für Wald und Landschaft, Kanton Obwalden, Amtsleiter
- Dr. Ueli Rehsteiner, Direktor Bündner Naturmuseum, Chur
The lynx was reintroduced to Switzerland in a program that started in 1971. Since then wolves and bears have also migrated into Switzerland: wolves from the Italian-French Alps beginning in 1995 and individual bears have entered from Italy since 2005. In 2012, the golden jackal was pictured for the first time in Switzerland, and the wildcat is also expanding its range in Switzerland.
The return of large carnivores demands scientific and practical support and coordination. In the 1980s, the Lynx project Switzerland dedicated itself to the task of scientifically accompanying the reintroduction of the lynx. Later, it was commissioned by the FOEN to also monitor the immigration of wolves and bears. This led to the foundation of the association KORA Koordinierte Forschungsprojekte zur Erhaltung und zum Management der Raubtiere in der Schweiz (Coordinated research projects for the conservation and management of carnivores in Switzerland). In 2017, the association transformed into the in-state foundation KORA das Kompetenzzentrum für Raubtierökologie und Wildtiermanagement (Competence centre for carnivore ecology and wildlife management).

During the reintroduction project LUNO lynx were released in the Tössstock area. March 2001
© Christof Angst