KORA regards a good collaboration with partner organisations and mutual support as an indispensable part of its work. As an in-state foundation, KORA is closely connected to the cantons and other public institution such as the FOEN – its most important client. Other partners include the Office for the Environment of the Principality of Liechtenstein, scientific institutions, companies, foundations and other national and international organisations.
- Federal Office for the Environment
- Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office
- Jagd- und Fischereiverwalterkonferenz der Schweiz (Conference of hunting and fishing administrators of Switzerland)
- Konferenz der Kantonsförster (Conference of the cantonal foresters)
- Konferenz der Beauftragten für Natur- und Landschaftsschutz (Conference of the delegates for nature and landscape protection)
- Cantonal hunting administrations
- Amt für Umwelt des Fürstentums Liechtenstein (Office for the Environment of the Principality of Liechtenstein)
- Centre for Fish and Wildlife Health FIWI
The FIWI examines dead carnivores in Switzerland. It is also an important partner for KORA regarding the catching of lynx. The FIWI coordinates the project part on health in the frame of the common project Lynx conservation in Switzerland: genetics, health and demography.
- Laboratory for Conservation Biology at the University of Lausanne LCB
The LCB analyses genetic samples of wolves and other large carnivores. It is an important partner for KORA regarding mainly the monitoring of wolves in Switzerland.
- Senckenberg Research Institute and Natural History Museum, Conservation Genetics Section
The Conservation Genetics Section of the research institute in Senckenberg uses molecular genetic tools to investigate questions relevant for nature conservation. The institute analyses genetic samples of wildcats in the frame of the project Conservation of the wildcat and is an important partner in the project Lynx conservation in Switzerland: genetics, health and demography.
- Centre Suisse de Cartographie de la Faune (Swiss Centre for Fauna Cartography)
The Swiss Centre for Fauna Cartography collects and distributes information on the distribution and ecology of animal species in Switzerland, fosters and coordinates eco-faunistic research in Switzerland, and collaborates with public and private conservation organisations working on the subjects of environment, nature and landscapes, to conserve species and their habitats.
- Ornithological Institute Sempach
The Ornithological Institute Sempach is a charitable foundation carried by the public. It offers first aid for ill, injured and orphaned birds, monitors and studies the indigenous birdlife, takes measures for conservation of threatened birds, campaigns for a bird-friendly agriculture and silviculture, and informs the public, media and administrations.
- Zurich University of Applied Sciences ZHAW
- School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences HAFL
- Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL
- Haute École du Paysage, d’ingénierie et d’architecture de Genève
- University of Bern
- University of Fribourg
- University of Lausanne
- University of Neuchâtel
- University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
- University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
- University of Montpellier
- Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Wildtierbiologie SGW
The members of the SGW are connected in their interest in the multifaceted world of wild-living mammals and birds and their relationship with the environment. The SGW champions especially the conservation and promotion of these animals and their habitats, as well as education and research on this subject.
- Zoo Schweiz
The association zooschweiz is the umbrella organisation of the scientifically led zoos in Switzerland. KORA collaborates with both zooschweiz and individual Swiss zoos in the frame of species conservation projects and public outreach.
- Natural History Museums
KORA collaborates with various of the over 30 Natural History Museums in Switzerland, especially for exhibitions and publications.
- Kompanima
Kompanima is the center of excellence on animal protection in Switzerland. It creates and distributes knowledge on animal protection and offers training courses.
KORA is host to the IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group, which maintains a global network of cat specialists. These channels connect KORA with numerous international organisations.
In connection with its main tasks, KORA fosters collaborations with the following organisations:
- Office français de la biodiversité OFB
The OFB is a public institution under supervision of the ministries for ecologic change, agriculture and alimentation, which campaigns for the protection and restoration of biodiversity.
- Centro Conservazione e Gestione Grandi Carnivori CGC
The CGC studies large carnivores in the Piemont, Italy, and monitors the wolf and lynx populations amongst others.
- Federal Documentation and Consultation Centre on Wolves DBBW
The DBBW supports the federal and state authorities in Germany by providing advice on all questions concerning wolves in the wild. The data collected in the federal states is collated by the DBBW, and prepared for presentation to the public.
- Stiftung Natur und Umwelt Rheinland-Pfalz SNU
The SNU is a foundation dedicated to the conservation and development of nature and the environment in the Rhineland-Palatinate. The SNU is participating in the EU Life Project for the reintroduction of lynx in the Palatinate forest.
- Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg FVA
As a research institution, the FVA is responsible for the forests and forestry in Baden-Württemberg. Their main subjects include research, monitoring, training and counsel for politics, administration and businesses.
- Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe LCIE
The LCIE is part of the IUCN. It is a network of experts working on large carnivores in Europe. LCIE’s goal is to offer a platform with scientific- and experience-based knowledge facilitating the conservation of large carnivores in Europe.
Partners Balkan Lynx Recovery Programme:
- Macedonian Ecological Society (MES), North Macedonia
- Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania (PPNEA), Albania
- Environmentally Responsible Action (ERA) group, Kosovo
- EuroNatur Stiftung, Germany
KORA collaborates with and is part of various networks. In the frame of these networks, expert knowledge and information on specific scientific issues is exchanged and discussed. Additionally, monitoring methods are coordinated.
- EuroWildcat
EuroWildcat is a scientific network studying the ecology of the European wildcat, facilitating the scientific cooperation through exchanging knowledge and data.
- EuroLynx
EuroLynx is a scientific network studying the ecology of the Eurasian lynx, facilitating the scientific cooperation through exchanging knowledge and data.
The Wolf Alpine Group is an informal group of specialists in wild animal research and administration. They meet every two years in one of the Alpine countries to exchange information and to discuss and make decisions concerning wolf monitoring. The discussions are always summarized in a published report called “Alpine Wolf Workshop”. The report shows retrospectively the status of the wolf population the distribution and number of packs in the Alps. The organisation of the meeting and the coordination of the report is done by a different one of the participating countries every time. The reports are published on the LCIE website. KORA organises the workshop and edits the report when the meeting takes place in Switzerland.