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PhD on Eurasian lynx in the Swiss Alps at the University of Lausanne and KORA (1998–2004). From 1995–2001 field work during the Eurasian lynx radio-telemetry projects in the Jura Mountains and north-western Swiss Alps. Realization of lynx captures for several translocation programs. Since 2014, coordinator of the large carnivore monitoring in Switzerland at KORA. Habitat modelling for several large carnivores including Eurasian lynx (PhD), Brown bear in collaboration with WWF Switzerland, the Iberian lynx, as well as the Caucasus leopard and Amur tiger in collaboration with WWF Germany and the IUCN/SSC Cat Specialist Group. Involved in the capacity building of young biologists in cat conservation. Other research interests are camera-trapping, photographic capture-recapture analyses, dispersal and the transfer of scientific results to practical conservation and management measures. In 2016, co-editor of a book on the use of camera traps in wild animal research.