The project RowAlps was coordinated by KORA. It was formally separated from the WISO platform but provided information and expert knowledge to the platform and developed conventional approaches with the same objectives as the WISO platform.

The dispersal of the JJ-brothers from Italy to Austria, Germany and Switzerland between 2005 and 2008 have demonstrated even more than previously lynx and wolf, that there is a need for a close transboundary collaboration and management of large carnivores, and gave the impulse for the platform WISO and later for the project RowAlps.
© M. Riatsch
The project had the aim of developing practical guidelines and management options for the recovery and conservation of wolf, lynx and – if the financial means are available – of bear populations in the Alps, and provide those to the representative institutions of the Alpine convention.
Three working groups were concerned with
- the ecological-biological requirements of viable populations
- the anthropogenic requirements and the basic conditions in regard to land use, and
- management options based on the legal responsibilities, while considering ecological, biological and anthropogenic preconditions.
KORA was participating in working groups 1 and 3. The information and data on these subjects were compiled, analysed and published in three reports.
The results of this project were published in three reports:
- Breitenmoser U., Bürki R., Lanz T., Pittet M., von Arx M. & Breitenmoser-Würsten Ch. 2016. The recovery of wolf Canis lupus and lynx Lynx lynx in the Alps: Biological and ecological parameters and wildlife management systems. RowAlps Report Objective 1. KORA Bericht Nr. 70. KORA, Muri bei Bern, Switzerland, 276 pp.
- Schnidrig R., Nienhuis C., Imhof R., Bürki R. & Breitenmoser U. (Eds) 2016. Lynx in the Alps: Recommendations for an internationally coordinated management. RowAlps Report Objective 3. KORA Bericht Nr. 71. KORA, Muri bei Bern, Switzerland, and BAFU, Ittigen, Switzerland, 70 pp.
- Schnidrig R., Nienhuis C., Imhof R., Bürki R. & Breitenmoser U. (Eds) 2016. Wolf in the Alps: Recommendations for an internationally coordinated management. RowAlps Report Objective 3. KORA Bericht Nr. 72. KORA, Muri bei Bern, Switzerland, and BAFU, Ittigen, Switzerland, 70 pp.
The results of working group 2 were summarised in the reports listed below. Both reports are not publicly available, but were considered and included by working group 3.
- Mondini M. & Hunziker M. 2013. Factors influencing attitudes towards large carnivores. RowAlps Report Ojective 2.1. 36 pp.
- Mikschl K., Pukall K. & Wölfl S. 2014. RowAlps Report Objective 2.2.-2.4. 60 pp.
Project Duration: 2012–2015
Study Area: Alps
Financial support: MAVA Stiftung für die Natur.
Contact KORA: Urs Breitenmoser, Roland Bürki