The Swiss bear concept (DE, FR, IT) prescribes that damages caused by wolves on farm animals and agriculture crops are to be compensated by the Confederation (80%) and the respective canton (20%). The cantons need to report their information on livestock depredation to the Federal Office each year until the end of October. Contrary to the concepts on lynx and wolf, there is no minimum level of damage after which a damage-causing bear can be legally killed. The authorisation for legal killing of an individual bear depends on the development of non-shy behaviour towards humans.
The report by the Federal Council on the management of bears in Switzerland (DE, FR) notes that since the recolonisation by bears 15 years ago, some 200 sheep were killed. Additionally, there were a few cases of depredated goats and donkeys, and one calf. Moreover approx. 20 apiaries were plundered and occasionally bears broke into cabins and stables to get at food supplies and animal fodder. In total 150,000 CHF were paid for damage compensation. The number of damage cases per year has tended to decrease over the years.