According to the Swiss lynx concept (DE, FR, IT), every dead lynx (natural mortalities, legal and illegal killings) is to be sent complete and immediately to the Centre for Fish and Wildlife Health (FIWI) at the University of Bern for diagnosis. Additionally, KORA will receive all data for the monitoring of the populations. However, losses in the population do not only consist of mortalities, but also of captures for translocations. The number of losses in the carnivore populations and their causes are important indices for the status of the population.
Losses are also presented in the KORA Monitoring Center. More information can be found in the FIWI’s annual reports.
In 2023, there were 10 losses in the Jura population, and 18 in the Alpine population. 16 losses were juveniles.
Losses in 2024 in the two lynx populations – Jura and Alpine
CT = Canton. Pop = Population: J = Jura, A = Alpine; Sex: m = male, f = female. Age: ad = adult, sa = subadult, ju = juvenile.
Date | Community | Location | CT | Pop | Sex | Age |
03.01.2024 | La Verrerie | La Gissetta | FR | A | m | sa |
04.01.2024 | Remchingen | A8 | *D | J | m | sa |
05.01.2024 | Neuchâtel | La Sauge | NE | J | m | ad |
13.01.2024 | Brislach | Brislachallment | BL | J | m | ad |
17.01.2024 | Premier | Combe à Joffrey | VD | J | f | ju |
21.01.2024 | Oberdorf | Allmend | NW | A | f | ad |
04.02.2024 | Kirchdorf | Unterlängmoos | BE | A | f | ju |
06.02.2024 | Les Clées | Pontets | VD | J | f | ju |
26.02.2024 | Gurtnellen | Autobahn | UR | A | m | ad |
08.03.2024 | Neuchâtel | P. de Rugenet | NE | J | f | - |
12.03.2024 | Naters | Tschill | VS | A | f | ju |
15.03.2024 | Schwende-Rüte | Pfannenstiel | AI | A | m | ad |
18.03.2024 | Disentis/Mustér | Turtingia | GR | A | m | ju |
30.03.2024 | Schwende-Rüte | Pfannenstiel | AI | A | m | ad |
24.04.2024 | Dully | A1 | VD | J | m | sa |
06.05.2024 | Wimmis | Brünnlisau | BE | A | m | ad |
05.06.2024 | Aubonne | La Reculanne | VD | J | m | sa |
13.06.2024 | Medel/Lucmagn | Pastg | GR | A | m | ad |